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the holidays are here!

The holidays are upon us! It's that time of the year when there are gatherings and pot lucks around every corner... Here are a few tips to help you balance it all, and still be able to enjoy the company of your family and friends.

1. Let Pre-Made be your potluck contribution. There are so many local merchants (Smitten included...) that use fresh ingredients to make their goods just like you would at home. This will save you so much time and allow you to slow down which is something we all strive for during the holiday season.

2. Go semi-homemade.

Cookie and Cupcake decorating parties are very popular around the holidays. We're happy to supply plain sugar cookies or unfrosted cupcakes for your friends and family to personalize. We'd even be happy to put some buttercream on the side!

3. Let food be your gifts!

If you love something, share it! If you love a local sweet, buy some to give away as gifts. You may not always hit it out of the park with clothes or home goods due to personal taste, but everyone loves cupcakes!

Thank you to everyone who has already placed their holiday orders, and there's still time if you're thinking about it!

Happy holidays from Smitten!


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